Friday, May 24, 2024

May 24th. Post 5. Thank the blessed mother I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed

Jet and I went to my first meeting with Dr Samuel Singer yesterday.  He is a neuro oncologist and will be overseeing my treatment plan.  He has nothing but positive feedback on the situation so far. He has had numerous conversations with Dr Eichberg regarding my upcoming surgery and is confident that doing so will give me the best chance of survival.   I feel incredibly lucky to have so many resources so close by. This $560 million neuro surgery tower complex at north shore Manhasset was completed just a few years ago patients come from all over the world to be treated there and all I have to do is hop on the LIE!  He begins explaining about how they are still studying the piece of the tumor removed  for genetic mutations  we talk a bit about clinical trial research / treatment stuff but until all the labs are in its kind of premature   

He asks what I do for a living.  Oh! I make granola….im a pro at just the right amount of cinnamon!  

Vehicles are becoming super confusing for me. I stand next to the car and it takes a bit for me to figure out the whole front seat/ back seat and where I’m supposed to be getting in.  Ah! The steering wheel! I know that’s NOT where I go.   Poor Jet!  She’ll get used to me. I don’t want help. Just make sure I don’t get into the wrong car!  

It’s been a little over two weeks since my diagnosis. I understand things a little better now. Glioblastoma / brain cancer is something I will have for the rest of my life.  Some people live just months after diagnosis and some live years. It will be constantly monitored and treated and I’m ok with that.  I’m not crying over it because it just gives me a headache.   I’m sad about not being able to kick off the market season with everyone this weekend but know I’m cheering you all on !!  The kids will be around and I am thinking a big pot of sauce and meatballs on the stove Monday so I hope to have a houseful of people to feed. 

On my way with jet to have my final MRI before the surgery. 

Sending you all love, sunshine and gratitude 

Jeanette XO

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