Tuesday, August 13, 2024

August 13th ~ Still moving forward

 Hello all,

I’ve been missing everyone so much. I am in the hospital at New York- Presbyterian in Manhattan. I ended up having 2 more surgeries over the past month due to more growth of the tumor. That makes a total of 4 surgeries so far! I have made the decision to not move forward with any more surgeries at this point. My 3rd surgery was extremely rough and the pain and recovery process was beyond anyones imagination. And due to unforeseen complications I needed to have another surgery. Therefore they are going hard with radiation and chemotherapy. I am confident that I am where I need to be. Currently at rehab at the some hospital and they think my projected go home date is the 18th. Every day I am getting stronger and stronger. My biggest issue is my eyesight. Unfortunately I feel like it has gotten worse and not better. I just want to say thank you to all of those who participated in the fundraiser and everyone who helped my children make it as success.

There are so many phases of fighting this cancer I could have never imagined how hard it can be. But I am bound and determined to do what I need to do to fight. My goal right now is on August 18th to walk into my home and to be able to be home with my children and my Sophie. We have so many memories to make and we will do just that.

Life will look a little different going forward and that’s okay. As a family we will adjust accordingly.

My diagnosis has been unreal. I often wake up and think to myself “Brain cancer!? Are you fucking kidding me? Okay, let’s get this shit outta my head. Let’s do what we gotta do.” Easier said than done but not impossible.

I look forward to getting back to life on the 18th. Thank you for all your prayers. I love you all and I hope I can see you all soon.

September 27th 2024

 I’ve been home about six weeks now, have completed 30 rounds of chemo and radiation, and the treatment has taken its toll. I feel like I’ve...