Sunday, June 9, 2024

The market life

 Good morning 🌞when I decided to blog it was basically to keep my friends and family up to date with what was happening here on my end.  I have since reached so many new people that read this blog and have reached out which is really amazing.  I get asked a lot of questions about my life BBC (before brain cancer) so I thought well it might not be the most exciting story but it is a very big part of my life.   During covid I decided to start a granola businesses after reading that the local farmers markets were open. It was totally on a whim. I hadn’t a clu what I was doing.  There is a long business story to be told here but maybe it’s for another day.  What’s more important is this whole vendor world I never knew existed prior to June 2020.  Beautiful people from all walks of life. Sharing their heritage with others with food and crafts. People so different from each other. I found it all so interesting and inspiring. It’s early Sunday morning right now and I’m missing my drive out to Southampton. I’m just missing driving period!  This summer would have been my 4th year at the Southampton Farmers Market  every Sunday May through September  so let’s talk about some of the unexpected bonds that happen with people that you honestly have absolutely nothing in common with and  that has to  start with Rachel  one of my first market friends   She is the owner of Sweet woodland farm located on the north fork of Long Island   She grows medicinal plants, herbs, crafts teas, elderberry and so much more  this to me is just beyond comprehension because I can’t grow anything  If you need a plant killedm your girl     We raised our children totally differently and have very different personalities       I tend to be a little too warm and fuzzy and Rachel is (lol was) guarded and  cranky  we ended up doing multiple markets side by side   Me always being too early and her sliding in just in time. She knew I was ready to help get her tent up.      I turned her into a hugger and we shared our lives during the countless hours spent together at good markets, crappy markets, hot days, rainy days and cold windy days    Most of all we laughed  that has always been our common denominator,   MKeep the faith Rachel  you may have to start helping me get my tent up straight but I will be back with my terribly inappropriate comments that I know still makes you cringe    Check her out here:


  1. ❤️❤️❤️

  2. Always looked for you at markets! Can’t wait to see you back!
